Feel The Way You Want To Look
Play Like A Woman.
On-Demand Classes for a Woman's Body.
Turned on, Tuned in, Toned up.
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Activate your membership. Commit to 6 months of fierce, sexy fitness classes and a healthy lifestyle shift... oh yeah, and take a "before" photo now - cause you're about to be unrecognizable.
Where You Are
Take control of your body in a space the size of a Yoga mat. Begin with 3 minutes of Breathwork every morning to activate + heal your "subtle body."
Work w/ what you got
Learn femme movement mechanics that enhance every aspect of your physical body. With Personal Trainer & Fitness Choreographer, Kiya Knight.
3 minutes of BREATHWORK + 1 Class per week.
Complimentary community class LIVE on YouTube every Saturday at 9AM Pacific. REPLAY for members. (Class link at the top of this page).
6 Month Transformation: Member email, class drops, healthy lifestyle coaching & Personal Trainer tips w/ Kiya in the WhatsApp Group.
Breathe, Sculpt, Strength, Sweat, Stretch.
No television provider needed. Your favorite videos, available wherever you are.
by Kiya Knight: ACE, B.S.
Spinal Chakra Activation
7 videos
Everything in our world is Energy.
If you want to change your body, and maintain that transformation over time- you need to begin at an energetic level.
As a Women's Trainer for 20 years, I've watched several epic transformations fade when clients couldn't maintain their results over time.
Active Internal Resistance (AIR) BAR
13 videos
The AIR BAR is made of a solid wood and comes apart in the middle with one large screw like a pool stick.
AIR BARS are 4ft when fully assembled and fit into a handy carry case at 2ft perfect for a tote or Yoga bag when separated.
AIR BAR is designed to provide: Mobility, Stability, Balance + ...