Team toned and sexy-in-your-skin,
let’s talk alignment—because whether it’s your posture or your people, bad form leads to pain.
Physically, when your body is stacked right—spine tall, joints in line, core engaged—you move efficiently, avoid injuries, and keep that powerhouse of yours running strong for decades.
But alignment isn’t just about biomechanics; it’s about energy, too.
When you’re in sync with your higher vision, you naturally repel chaos, bad vibes, and energy vampires.
Your gut (aka your built-in BS detector) sharpens, guiding you away from misaligned situations and straight toward the people, places, and opportunities that fuel your greatness.
Move well. Align your vibe. Thrive.
Alignment is first and everything.
See you live SATURDAy at 9AM Pacific
Zero Point
Ladies, let’s talk about the neutral mind—that luscious, untouchable space where drama dies, clarity reigns, and you hold the remote control to reality itself.
This isn’t about being passive; it’s about being powerfully unfazed—a Jedi-level stillness that lets you sip your matcha while chaos bu...
PLAY Strong
I learned from my mistakes. Times when I didn't listen to my body and kept pushing way beyond normal human capacity.
I've sacrificed myself on the alter of hustle culture enough times to know - when it's time to REST.
F*ck it all when you start to spiral- and prioritize your well being by ge...
The Grove: A Heart Activation
Activate compassion to see a bigger picture of reality.
It's time to come together.
Big WE.
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