Shot on the beach during the last of 3 (once in a lifetime) super, full moons in a row... whoa.
Sending all the electromagnetic magick to ya'll so we can recreate ourselves again as the energies on Planet Earth shift and we move into a new era.
This creative sequence is 15 minutes of non stop small, deep core muscle activations synched to your Breath of Fire.
Let you mind go and allow yourself to be moved by the transformational Shakti spiral of life force energy.
Yeah, I'm woo - but admit it, so are you!
I want to hear what you experience so drop your comments below this class so we can connect on a deeper level.
Quick Basic Choreography
How did this feel?
Leave your feedback below in the comments.
Quick Bodyweight Flow
Work with stuck e-motion - or energy in motion.
Set your body + mind free.
Creative Energy Activation | Breath o...
Turn on your creativity + magnetism with this 16 minute guided Breathwork journey through your Sacral Chakra or energy center.
Located two inches below the belly button and two inches back.
This energy fuels your passion and creativity.
This is also how you cultivate a beautiful, powerful, ...