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The Grove: A Heart Activation



  • Live - Tulum, Mx

    🇺🇸 .. "One nation, under God with liberty and justice for ALL."

    I couldn't stop thinking about the big WE.

    Because I wanted to be wealthy, but I just couldn't bring myself to exploit other humans to get there. I tried, it SuX.

    Personal Training doesn't cost thousands of dollars and you don't ...

  • Think you CAN'T Dance?

    Think you CAN’T dance?

    Dance is not a skill set. It's the embodiment of surrender.

    Your body already knows how to dance, it's your brain that's feels afraid you might look silly.

    You will - that's the point.

    People will judge because when they see you in full self expression, what they perce...

  • Bounce Back - Agility + Power

    Agility: The Power Move You Didn’t Know You Needed

    Definition: Agility—the ability to move quickly and easily; the capacity to think and understand rapidly. In sports and life, it’s what keeps you from face-planting when the game changes.

    Ladies, let’s talk agility—not just dodging stray toddle...