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    Booty, Core + Pelvic Floor

    When you’ve got problems you need solutions but, in order to get results you gotta have a trusted FORMULA.

    I’ve been using this 90-60-30 HIIT Circuit to strengthen, reshape + shred my client’s bodies for almost two decades because it’s simple, efficient and it works…...

  • Throat Chakra (5)

    Blocks in throat chakra happen when we deny our own truth to make others feel safe + comfortable. Over time these energy blocks result in physical dis-ease like thyroid issues. You can work directly with your throat chakra energy in as little as 3 minutes to clear out past traumas + find the stre...

  • Crown Chakra (7)

    When you work to remove energy blocks in the lower 6 chakras, you can easily connect with your higher wisdom and a deep, unshakable inner knowing. Connect with your celestial team and cosmic guides so you never feel lost + alone again. Time to adjust your own crown Queen.