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Up Next in Energy Magick | Mystery School

  • Crown Chakra (7)

    When you work to remove energy blocks in the lower 6 chakras, you can easily connect with your higher wisdom and a deep, unshakable inner knowing. Connect with your celestial team and cosmic guides so you never feel lost + alone again. Time to adjust your own crown Queen.

  • Root Chakra (1)

    Do you feel safe to be fully, authentically self expressed in your life? Work with the energy in your Root Chakra to clear trauma and toxic energy blocks around feeling safe in your body. When you know yourself, you can trust yourself above all else. Root down to rise UP and create a whole new se...

  • 3rd Eye Chakra (6)

    The 3rd Eye Chakra gets blocked by denying what we are really seeing in the world around us. Activate the energy of your 6th chakra and get clear about what you see + what you believe. Remember, the nature of reality on Planet Earth is a direct reflection of your Human Nature. When you know yours...