This class is 20 minutes + just two fierce moves… and that’s it!
But, even though this class is super simple, it’s not easy.
That’s because I’m going to teach you how to activate the deep core lines of your body which takes both your brain + body working together at the same time… some people call it coordination and yes, it’s a super power and YES you can + will on my watch… I’ll show you exactly how.
Being present with your body is a moving meditation and a total game changer which is why 20 minutes is more than enough to get a workout + “in” that keeps giving you POWER all day.
I’m also going to teach you how to activate and utilize your “Fast Twitch” muscle fibers as a skill.
Practicing fast twitch response is anti aging in every way + makes you ready for for anything… in the moment, so you respond more and react less.
Remember, everything is energy so the way you move is how you move energy.
Emotion is E-Motion or energy in motion, so this class is not only a great way to train your human machine (workout)… it’s also a kiiler emotional RELEASE (workin) and who doesn’t need that these days?
The 1st move you’ll master are lower body PIVOTS, which are my answer to Lunges/Squats/Deadlifts for those who are healing knees, backs or just starting a fitness program and don’t want to completely F up your joints right outta the gate.
Mixed with fast twitch muscle skills, pivots become a powerful LOW IMPACT, HIGH INTENSITY move that will strengthen, balance + stabilize your low body while helping you release any toxic e-motion stored in the hips.
The 2nd move is an upper body REVERSE ELBOW JAB and I show you how to do these high (face) + low (gut) to get into the rotator cuff muscles of your shoulder and build, strength, stamina + support for upper body movements.
When you put these two simple moves together they become a Martial Arts sequence which turns into Primal Dance as you let go of the heaviness and lighten into your full authentic self expression.
We finish this class with a deep, delicious stretch for the booty and inner thighs + an energy KATA or full body prayer that locks in your new frequency and grounds your energy body.
I help burned out women turn pain into faith and freedom with modern movement technology that’s fun, fierce and fucking effective without leaving you crippled or frustrated.
I know I look like a Viking who never had to diet a day in her life but really I’m a sad, lonely, scared little fat kid who took life into my own hands and changed the ending of my own story because I knew I could.
Now all I wanna do is share this Magick with you warrior.
I know you can too.
Let’s do this!
Up Next in SCULPT
Pivot + Shin Block 1
Standing + Grounded Core Activation
Grab a mat + your AIR BAR for this 30 minute creative, supported, full body deep core class.
You’ve never felt your abs like this! Use the AIR BAR to travel into the deepest parts of your body and awaken sleeping muscles.
Be sure to drop your comments below! Can’t wait to hear how this feels ...
ARMS - Tight + Toned
Beginner hack: take the AIR BAR apart and use the side that has the AIR BAR FIT logo.
Instability training creates a powerful deep core connection. So you’re not just working your superficial arms muscles… you’re activating your entire kinetic chain!
Pair instability training with unilateral (...